
Hi there, I'm Lauren!

I currently help lead Digital Analytics at Cru. For over nine years, I've been helping organizations solve problems and put their data to use. I have extensive experience mining data for insights and scaling organizational data maturity. I enjoy using statistics, Python and SQL to wrangle data. I am passionate about AI and Machine Learning, and enjoy learning new libraries and toolsets.

I have given talks such as 'Creating Dashboards That Work' and led analytics workshops for nontechnical audiences.

Besides data science and data visualization, I enjoy tennis, gardening and playing guitar.

Basic Information
Savannah, GA
Technical Skills
Python | Pandas | Matplotlib | Numpy | scikit-learn | SQLAlchemy | SQL
Machine Learning | Supervised | Unsupervised Algorithms
Web Scraping (BeautifulSoup/Selenium) | APIs (RESTful)
Hadoop | Spark | Flask | Heroku | Salesforce
PostgreSQL | MongoDB | BigQuery
HTML | CSS | Bootstrap
Tableau | PowerBI | Marketing Analytics (Google Analytics/GTM/Adobe Analytics/Launch/Firebase)
JavaScript | D3 | Plotly | Leaflet
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


Data Science and Analytics Boot Camp
Georgia Institute Of Technology | Atlanta, GA, US

24-week intensive program focused on technical programming skills in Python, R, JavaScript, Web Scraping, API Interactions, SQL/NoSQL Databases, ETL, Tableau, Front End Web Visualization, Fundamental Statistics, Big Data, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.


Analytics Jumpstart
Nashville Software School | Nashville, TN

Month-long intensive program focused on learning Python & SQL, EDA, and best practices for Data Visualization.


Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Science (BS) - Logistics, Materials and Supply Chain Management
Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University

Interactive web application that predicts the risk of early hospital readmission for diabetic patients (within 30 days) using Supervised Learning.

Tools used   :   Python/sklearn, Keras, PostgreSQL, Flask, Heroku, html/css/Bootstrap

Category  :   Data Science, Machine Learning, Optimization, Web Application

Year     :   Nov 2021

Big Data ETL using AWS RDS and PostgreSQL. Used PySpark to investigate whether Amazon Vine reviews are free of bias.

Tools used   :   PySpark, AWS RDS/S3 Bucket, PostgreSQL/pgAdmin, Google Colab

Category  :   Data Science, Big Data, ETL, AWS

Year     :   Nov 2021

Evaluating and optimizing a neural network to predict successful charity funding applications using Deep Learning and hyperparameter tuning.

Tools used   :   Python, Sklearn, Matplotlib, Neural Networks, Keras, Google Colab

Category  :   Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Optimization

Year     :   Nov 2021

Cryptocurrency classification system using Sklearn, dimensionality reduction with PCA & t-SNE, and cluster analysis with K-means

Tools used   :   Python, Sklearn, Matplotlib, PCA, t-SNE, K-means

Category  :   Data Science, Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Statistical Inference

Year     :   Oct 2021

Machine learning model that attempts to predict whether a loan from LendingClub will become high risk using Logistic Regression and Random Forest classifiers.

Tools used   :   Python, Sklearn, Matplotlib, Logistic Regression, Random Forest

Category  :   Data Science, Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Statistical Inference

Year     :   Oct 2021

As frequent flyers, our team was interested in exploring in-flight emergency air situations using squawk 7700 codes. We created an interactive web dashboard where multiple charts update from data that is stored in PostgreSQL. The project is powered by a Python Flask API.

Tools used   :   Python, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, Javascript (D3.js, Chart.js, Leaflet.js), HTML/CSS/Bootstrap, Flask

Category  :   Web Application, Deployment, ETL, Full Stack Development, Teamwork, Data Visualization

Year     :   Sept 2021

Our team was interested in exploring healthcare data. We extracted global pharmaceutical spending data to determine how much each country is spending on off the shelf pharmaceutical medicines. Flask was used to deploy results to a pharmaceutical web application.

Tools used   :   Python, Pandas, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS/Bootstrap, Flask

Category  :   Web Application, Deployment, ETL, Full Stack Development, Teamwork

Year     :   Aug 2021

This project builds a web application that scrapes various websites for data related to the Mission to Mars and displays the information in a single HTML page. MongoDB is used with Flask to deploy results to an HTML page.

Tools used   :   Beautiful Soup, Pandas, Splinter, MongoDB, Flask, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS

Category  :   Web Application, Deployment, Database, ETL

Year     :   2021

This project analyzes potential changes to the Citi Bike NYC program during Covid-19. Data was transformed in Jupyter Notebook in Python/Pandas and imported into Tableau to create interactive story points and two dashboards for the city.

Tools used   :   Python, Pandas, GeoPy, Tableau Desktop

Category  :   Jupyter Notebook, EDA, Data Visualization, Analysis

Year     :   Oct 2021

Analyzed 45,000+ films to explore the relationship between book adaptations and movies using Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy and Scipy. Visualizations: linear regressions, T-tests, ANOVA, Word Clouds.

Tools used   :   Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scipy, Numpy, Statistics, Linear Regressions

Category  :   Statistics, Correlation, Data Visualization, EDA

Year     :   Jul 2021

This project uses Javascript, Plotly and D3 to build an interactive dashboard exploring and analyzing belly button microbial diversity. The dashboard dynamically populates based on the selected test subject ID.

Tools used   :   Javascript, D3, Plotly, JSON, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS

Category  :   Web Application, Deployment, Data Visualization

Year     :   Aug 2021

This project uses Pandas, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap to create a responsive website displaying climate and weather data and visualizations.

Tools used   :   Pandas, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS

Category  :   Web Application, Web Design, Deployment, Data Visualization

Year     :   Jul 2021

Created a table schema and ERD for employee data using PostgreSQL database. Used SQL to analyze data.

Tools used   :   Postgres/pgAdmin, SQL, ERD

Category  :   Data Analysis, Database, Data Engineering, Data Modeling

Year     :   Aug 2021

Used SQLAlchemy ORM queries, Pandas and Matplotlib to analyze a climate database. A Flask API was then created to store the analysis.

Tools used   :   Pandas, Matplotlib, SQL-Alchemy, Flask

Category  :   Data Analysis, ORM, Web Application

Year     :   Aug 2021

Analyzed the weather of 500+ cities using the OpenWeatherMap API. Displayed results using pandas, linear regressions via matplotlib, and a heatmap using Google Places API.

Tools used   :   Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy, Google Maps API, Scipy

Category  :   Data Analysis, API, Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization

Year     :   Jul 2021

Analyzed anti-cancer pharmaceutical study results in 249 mice across various drug regiments to determine if drug regimens and final tumor volume are correlated.

Tools used   :   Python, Pandas, Matplotlib

Category  :   Data Analysis, Statistical Analysis, Data Visualization

Year     :   Jul 2021

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